Technical Guidelines

Technical Applications

Roca products are classified by Use Groups. This classification is made based on two important technical trials: PEI and MOHS.

PEI (Porcelain Enamel Institute)
Tests the wear resistance of the enameled surface.

It is measured by the enamel hardness degree, by the MOHS scale ranging from 1 to 10.


The tuttomassa porcelain allows accurate reproductions, having more quality and beauty than the natural stones and wood.

Dry Joint

When applied with dry joint, the space between one piece and another disappears, giving the product an aspect of mosaic tiles.

Double Pressed

The double-pressed technique makes it possible to create pieces with three-dimensional finishing that reproduces reliefs and textures found in nature.

ABS Concept

The ABS concept increases by more than 30% the grip of the floor when wet, preserving the aesthetic characteristics with less roughness, cleaning-friendly and diminishing the risk of slipping.

Flat Edge

The flat edge technique allows the application of the coating with a 1mm joint, creating the effect of the rectified applied product, with technical advantages.

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